Group of Companies

GHESA Water & Art
About GHESA Water & Art

GHESA was established in 1963 by major Spanish electric utilities in collaboration with the American consulting engineering company, Gibbs & Hill, Inc. (NY). The latter assumed the role of technology partner until the takeover by the Spanish participants in 1992.

In 1971, after the launching of the second phase of the Spanish Nuclear Program, GHESA promoted the creation of Empresarios Agrupados (EA) in collaboration with other Spanish engineering companies to share capacities and resources for the development of nuclear power stations and other macroprojects for thermoelectric generation. The activi- 1 ties of EA are controlled by an Economic Interest Group: Agrupación de Interés Económico (EA,AIE).

At present, GHESA, with a staff of over 600, together with the consortium Empresarios Agrupados, with global resources of some 1000 people, constitute one of the most important engineering groups in Europe, with technological management capacity for developing a diversity of complex projects both nationally and internationally.